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Sigle Artisti Dischi Cartoni  

Tutte Sigle Artisti Dischi Cartoni
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Titolo Artista Supporto Anno [-] Editore Paese Codice
Il Gatto con gli Stivali / Bianca Luna 45 1969 Carosello it CI 20245
La storia completa e le canzoni de: Il Gatto con gli Stivali LP 1969 Carosello it PLP 328
Long Live Love / Pretty Painted Carousel The Banana Splits 45 1969 Carosello it MCA 7001
Ōgon Bat / Ōgon Bat Kazoeuta Vocal Shop / Yasushi Suzuki, Columbia Yurikagokai 45 1967 Columbia jp SCS-22
Batman / Batman Chase Neal Hefti e la sua Orchestra 45 1966 RCA Victor it 45N 1478
Young Beat The International Studio Group LP 1966 De Wolfe uk DW/LP 2990
Bonanza / Ringo Lorne Greene 45 1965 RCA Victor it 45N-1445
La marcetta di Topo Gigio / Girotondo di Topo Gigio Topo Gigio 45 1965 Pathé / EMI it 45AQ 1319
Fury / What Did You Do Before You Had TV? Ernest Gold / The Sandpipers, Mitch Miller & Orchestra 45 1957 Golden Records us
Batman Theme [Cenci] / Nembo Kid [Cenci] Ettore Cenci guitar trio 45 Durium it CNA 9194
Fortissime!!! aa.vv. LP Start / Durium it LP.S 40.240
Gatchaman Vocal Collection aa. vv. CD Alion International Records jp ALCA-8026/7
Ginga No Seishun / Ai O Tsutaeru Tabi Kôichi Kawatsu 45 Columbia jp CK 641
Heart Of Madness / Purple Eyes Kodomo Band 45 Canyon jp 7A0559
Micchi No Theme / Hiroshi No Theme Mitsuko Horie / Ichirô Mizuki / Kôrogi '73 45 jp SCS-306
Super Hero Chronicle - Super Robot Theme & Image Song Collection I aa. vv. CD Columbia jp COCX-32792-4
Super Hero Chronicle - Super Robot Theme & Image Song Collection II aa. vv. CD Columbia jp COCX-32825-7
Super Hero Chronicle - Super Robot Theme & Image Song Collection III aa. vv. CD Columbia jp COCX-32857-9
Terebi Manga Shudaika No Ayumi VI aa. vv. CD Nippon Columbia jp COCX-33637/38
Toei TV Anime Shudaika Daizenshu 1 aa. vv. DVD jp
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